Duke User Guide
- Duke is a customised task manager for you, you can easily categorized your tasks into deadlines, events and todos and manage them by adding new tasks, deleting tasks, tagging tasks and etc.
Categorized tasks
- Duke helps you to categorize your regular tasks into the following three types:
- todo
- event
- deadline
Basic CRUD functions
- You can easily create, read, update and delete your tasks in Duke.
Interactive GUI
- Duke has a pretty cool and good-looking GUI, you will definitely enjoy using it daily as a Task Manager
and even as a close friend who is always here for you.
Warm greetings
- When you say hello to Duke, it will greet you with warm welcome.
Mark task as done
- You are able to update your task as done when you have completed the task.
Archive your tasks
- You are able to store the data of your tasks into the hard disk for next time use.
Find tasks
- You can search for related task by giving the keyword you are looking for.
Tag your tasks
- You can give your tasks multiple tags.
Exit Duke without clicking
- Finally, you are able to exit Duke using the CLI quickly instead of clicking exit button.
1. hey
- Say hello to the Duke bot
Say hello to the Duke bot and Duke bot will introduce herself to you.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Hello, I'm Popuko.
What can I do for you?
2. todo [description]
- Add a todo task to your list
Ask Duke to add a todo task to your list by given the description of the todo task.
Example of usage:
todo CS2103T individual project
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][✘] CS2103T individual project
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
3. event [description] /at [scheduled date]
- Add an event task to your list
Ask Duke to add an event task to your list by given the description and the scheduled date of the event.
Example of usage:
event CS2103T meeting /at 2020-02-15
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][✘] CS2103T meeting (at: Feb 15 2020)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
4. deadline [description] /by [due date]
- Add an deadline task to your list
Ask Duke to add a deadline task to your list by given the description and the due date of the deadline task.
Example of usage:
deadline CS2103T post lecture quiz /by 2020-03-10
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][✘] CS2103T post lecture quiz (by: Mar 10 2020)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.
5. list
- List all tasks you have added to the task list
Ask Duke to show all tasks you have asked her to record.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
📜 Here are the tasks in your list:
[T][✘] CS2103T individual project
[E][✘] CS2103T meeting (at: Feb 15 2020)
[D][✘] CS2103T post lecture quiz (by: Mar 10 2020)
6. done [task index]
- Mark the specific task as done
Ask Duke to mark a task as done according the the given index of the task.
Example of usage:
done 2
Expected outcome:
👍 Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[E][✓] CS2103T meeting (at: Feb 15 2020)
7. delete [task index]
- Delete the specific task in the list
Ask Duke to remove a task from the list according the the given index of the task.
Example of usage:
delete 2
Expected outcome:
👌 Noted. I've removed this task:
[E][✓] CS2103T meeting (at: Feb 15 2020)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
8. find [keyword]
- Find out all tasks which contain the keyword given
Ask Duke to find all tasks that contain the keyword given.
Example of usage:
find CS2103T
Expected outcome:
📜 Here are the matching tasks in your list:
[T][✘] CS2103T individual project
[E][✘] CS2103T meeting (at: Feb 15 2020)
9. tag [task index] [tag name]
- Add tag to a specific task
Ask Duke to add a tag to a task by the given task index and name of the tag.
Example of usage:
tag 1 important
Expected outcome:
🟢 Got it. I've tagged this task as you wish:
[T][✘] CS2103T individual project #important
10. bye
- Exit Duke application
Say goodbye to Duke bot to quit the application without clicking any button.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
exit the application immediately.