
Starter code for the Duke project

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Duke User Guide



Categorized tasks

Basic CRUD functions

Interactive GUI

Warm greetings

Mark task as done

Archive your tasks

Find tasks

Tag your tasks

Exit Duke without clicking


1. hey - Say hello to the Duke bot

Screenshot for hey command

2. todo [description] - Add a todo task to your list

Screenshot for todo command

3. event [description] /at [scheduled date] - Add an event task to your list

Screenshot for event command

4. deadline [description] /by [due date] - Add an deadline task to your list

Screenshot for deadline command

5. list - List all tasks you have added to the task list

Screenshot for list command

6. done [task index] - Mark the specific task as done

Screenshot for done command

7. delete [task index] - Delete the specific task in the list

Screenshot for delete command

8. find [keyword] - Find out all tasks which contain the keyword given

Screenshot for find command

9. tag [task index] [tag name] - Add tag to a specific task

Screenshot for tag command

10. bye - Exit Duke application